Relieve Pain
Stay Active

Orthopedic Injection Therapy is a cutting-edge, non-surgical treatment designed to reduce joint pain, heal injured tissues, and restore mobility.

Private Pay

No Wait Times

No Referrals

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Using advanced techniques like PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) injections and Prolotherpay, Dr. Deul Duca can target pain at the source, allowing you to stay active and live your life to the fullest without surgery.

How can Othorpedic Injections Help?


Whether you’re suffering from arthritis, tendonitis, or joint injuries, our injections are designed to reduce inflammation, alleviate discomfort, and improve your overall quality of life.


Our minimally invasive treatments allow you to return to your favorite activities faster—whether that’s running, cycling, or simply enjoying everyday movement.


Each treatment plan is tailored to your unique needs, ensuring effective pain management and lasting results.

Orthopedic Injection Benefits


Dr. Del Duca has a specialized focus for Pain Management and Sports Medicine interventional therapies. He is the first Naturopathic Physician in Canada to earn the distinguished RMSK certification, acknowledgeing him as an expert in musculoskeletal ultrasound guided interventions by the APCA. In his Orthopedic Injection practice, Dr. Del Duca utilizes his training in ultrasound technologies to assist in his diagnostics procedures.

“My goal is to help you stay active, pain-free, and mobile. Don’t let joint pain slow you down. Orthopedic Injection Therapy can be the key to regaining the freedom to move and enjoy life.”


Dr. Samantha Partridge has trained under Dr. Del Duca to become proficient in ultrasound guided injection therapies for pain management.  She completed her Doctorate in Chiropractic and holds certifications in Advanced Injection Therapies – Part A.  In addition to interventional pain management, Dr. Partridge has a special interest in chronic low back pain and acute disc herniations.

“I utilize a multi-faceted approach incorporating lab testing, lifestyle management, nutrition and targeted supplementation to help you live pain-free and active lifestyle.”

Self-Refer Available

Dr. Del Duca believes in making treatment as accessible as possible. There is no referral necessary to begin your journey toward pain relief and mobility.

You can contact the clinic directly to schedule a consultation with Dr. Del Duca or Dr. Partridge and get started on a treatment plan that’s right for you.

Refer Your Patients

Are you a Healthcare Professional that wants to refer your patients to receive Injection Therapy?

Please download the Intake Referal PDF form below and email it to Dr. Del Duca at

Physician Education

Learn more about the treatment benefits of referring your patients to Dr. Del Duca for Orthopedic Injection Therapy.
Dr. Del Duca has curated an educational Video Library providing more information on Orthopedic Injection Therapy and it’s many cutting-edge treatment advantages.


Using advanced ultrasound diagnostic techniques Dr. Del Duca can address a variety of condtions, injuries and ailments that you may be suffering from.


Using advanced and cutting edge techniques Dr. Del Duca can provide non-surgical treatments to target pain at the source and restore mobility.